Original Item: Only One Available. This is a very nice German WWII Heer Army commemorative plaque, made from a shield shaped piece of wood measuring about 5 1/4"H x 4"W, with a hanger loop on the top. It has a metal oak leaf wreath surrounding a metal tri-color cockade at the top, the standard insignia used on Schirmmütze visor caps, and under this is a 98K bayonet emblem, most likely for infantry. Below this is another common insignia, a German M35 Stahlhelm Steel helmet with a Heer Army Eagle showing, the standard Heer insignia.
The bottom of the plaque has an banner reading ERINNERUNG AN MEINE DIENSTZEIT (In Memory of my Service), a very common phrase used on commemorative items such as photo albums, bayonets, and plaques such as this.
All of the items are attached using brass pins that go through the wood, and there is a D.R.G.M. on the back as well, indicating that the plaque is a patented design. Condition overall is very good, with much of the original plating still present on the various items, which also show some oxidation and wear due to age.
A great commemorative item, typical of what a soldier might purchase as a memento during the war. Comes ready to display!